Saturday, May 24, 2014

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Today is Saturday, May 24, 2014.  Steven and I went to Brown's Restaurant today for lunch.  We are starting our BIG "eating healthy" on Monday ~ Memorial Day!!  Things have gotten way out of hand with our eating, and it is SO out of control.  I cannot believe how I feel, what I look like and how upsetting it is to me.  And I think Steven feels the same way.  It's so tough cuz I really need his help to get going and stay motivated.  I cannot have "bad food" in the house, mostly cuz when I see him eating things we're not suppose to be eating, I find it REALLY hard to resist.  So, as he has stated to me, Monday starts everything OVER!!  We just need to get into a better routine and exercise more often ~ even though I am not much of an exerciser, it HAS to happen!!

Other than that, things are still going OK ~ although I wish I could just feel a lot happier.  Sometimes, I feel like there isn't much to look forward to.  I mean there is a lot coming up in the following months, with Jenn's wedding.  But there is a lot to do in preparation too.  Plus there's a lot of anticipation with the summer coming up and seeing how everything goes with Emily.  Next year she will be a senior in high school and there's going to be a lot of school stuff coming up for her ~ lots to think about for her when it comes to deciding what is in her what school will she go to, how will she feel going...just lots to think about.

And tomorrow, my sister is suppose to come up for a visit.  She is bringing her bike with her and we are suppose to go biking!  YAY!!  Emily has plans to go to Canobie Lake with her friend (hopefully soon to be boyfriend) Danny.  She started back at her summer job last night ~ working at the Candy Corner at Hampton Beach.  It works out great for her, and she seems to like it.  She went down to her Dad's today for her Grammy's birthday party with her friend Bridget who is sleeping over tonight.  It's always so nice of her to have a friend sleepover.  But it's VERY difficult for Emily to "sleep away from home" ~ she had a great April Florida trip planned with one of her best friend's (Olivia), and her parents to go to Tampa and Orlando...but it turned into a horror show for us.  As the last few days were approaching she was SO sad to be going ~ she and I totally forgot how she gets about going away.  She just DID NOT want to go, didn't want to leave me, she said.  But she did end up going, getting on the plane, which I wasn't too sure was going to happen, but was miserable from Day 1.  She called me crying to me saying she wanted to come home and could NOT stay there.  Of course, there was NO WAY she would be able to come home, but it was painful for her (and me) that she could not come home ~ she had such awful homesickness, it was making her miserable and she didn't enjoy the trip.  I DO think as the trip went on, and she knew she was coming home in a few days, she felt better, but still, she didn't take 1 picture, buy 1 souvenir, and each time I spoke with her I could tell she had been crying and her voice was just so sad!!  Suffice it to say when I went to the airport and picked her up, it was very emotional for me cuz I knew she was so excited to be coming home.  We have her annual physical in a few weeks and that's one of the things we plan to talk about ~ getting some sort of anxiety medicine for situations like this.  Of course one of the other things we plan on talking about is the possibility of her going on birth control...don't know how that whole situation will go....stay tuned!!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Today is Thursday, April 10 ~ sort of a warm day, but still a bit breezy.  I was off work today, which was nice for me.  I fell back asleep, though and woke up after 9:00, which was a bit of a drag cuz I really wanted to get a "jump on the day", and get out and do stuff.  Although it really is so great that spring has finally sprung, I really look forward to the Spring ~ I'm rather cautious about looking forward to it though...I don't want to get let down about the unexpected, as has happened to me before.

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Just another Saturday here at home, wishing the warm weather would finally get here ~ when is it going to get here??

I really think I'm going to love to write about stuff...cuz I love to write.  Love to write, just about stuff!! But this blogging thing is sort of difficult for me, like when I go onto the blogger page, I get stuck, but hopefully I'll figure it out, it just takes time.


Just testing this blogging thing

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April 1

This is the first day in my new blog ~ I wonder how I'm going to like it!!  I love to write, so I think I'll love to blog, lots to learn though when it comes to blogging!!  I hope this becomes second nature to me, and I can use it as a journal-type avenue for me.  Lately, I've felt the need to journal or write about certain things happening in my life.  I'm just a little apprehensive to write and post them here, as I'm VERY new to this blogging thing.